Helping homeowners make the most of the latest advances in solar energy systems.

Now you’re considering investing in solar energy for your home, you’re certainly not alone.
According to a recent national survey*, solar is ranked the most popular of all possible energy sources in the UK, with gas rated second-worst behind coal.

And your timing really couldn’t be better – the government is more committed than ever to providing generous financial incentives for everyone who upgrades their home to solar energy.
Also, in recent years the quality and reliability of solar panels has improved in leaps and bounds, while the quality of solar inverters, digital control and monitoring is also better than ever.

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We install and upgrade solar panels to help give you energy independence.
By using solar panels to produce your own free electricity you can begin to save money on electricity bills from Day 1.

You can also benefit from 20 years of tax-free income on the electricity that you generate and export to the grid, thanks to the government Feed-in Tariff (FiT) scheme.

Considering getting an electric car? With solar panels your electric car can be charged with 100% renewable energy.

We also offer the option of including a solar immersion controller, so you can benefit from free hot water.

You may also wish to store excess solar electricity with one of our solar battery storage options, allowing you to be even more energy independent and see further reductions on your energy bills.
If you already have a solar PV system installed you may wish to consider upgrading to a SolarEdge system which ensures every panel works to its maximum potential to gain you as much energy as you could possibly generate.

Whatever your requirements, we will work closely with you to ensure the Solar Panel system we install is the best for you and your home, fitted to perfection and backed with our guarantee.

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EV Chargers For Your Home

Universal Energy Group are experienced NICEIC approved electrical contractors & we specialize in EV charging points for your home.

By the same token, we are approved by the Office of Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) to install Electric Vehicle charging points. This entitles you to claim £500 towards your installation of an EV charger for your home