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Why choose us for commercial solar?

Universal Energy Group has been heavily involved in commercial solar since 2015. We have a great understanding of what makes a good system & realise it has to be very cost effective for any business to sit up and take note. Now in 2023 we can only see the commercial solar market becoming more and more viable. Solar PV has always been a great product for reducing business overheads and it’s even more viable now the costs of commercial solar equipment have been significantly reduced.

We recently worked with a company in Glasgow to design a bespoke system for their commercial solar needs. It’s a 40-kw system using SolarEdge technology & it’s already showing cost savings for them. We opted for a SolarEdge inverter on this project because of its many advantages including an in-depth grid monitoring system, increased fire protection, individual panel optimisation & monitoring.

One of the key features of this system is that we can monitor everything in detail & it provides live feeds on energy demand, import & export data. This shows us how much benefit the solar is actually providing to the customer & it makes so much sense to go into the fine details. This is why we offer this system as standard with all our commercial solar projects.

Electric Vehicle Charging For Your Business

The Universal Energy group provide a no obligation site survey giving you advise to find best solution for your company. There’s a large choice of EV charge points on the market, we are happy to help you choose the right product by giving you detailed information of the all the pros and cons to each.

Part of our service would include a system design for the installation & a work schedule that would best suit your business.
All work carried out by The Energy Smart Group will meet the requirements of British Standards BS7671 & also a full NICEIC electrical installation certificate will be issued once all the project is complete.

Finally, our friendly staff will help you apply for the WCS grant to ensure funding is obtained.

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